Friday, June 18, 2010

A Year Passes so Quickly

It's been over a year since my last post and so much has happened. My darling daughter has finished school, done her thesis, and is already starting to connect with people in her field. I wish her luck and happiness but it's a long road to being there. For me, it's been a blur of dates to get to and get through. The birthdays, work deadlines, openings, shows, (LOVED Liala Biali LOVED Jersey Boys), precious holidays with family, and the like.

Now it's summer. How to spend it wisely and well? My favourite is cottaging. The call of the loons and mist on the lake in early morning. Coffee and breakfast never tasted so good. Rain means reading books and the sleazy magazines (just for the cottage!) and sun means lying on the dock (reading the sleazy magazines!). Love the trips to the grocery store, buying anything you want, because it's your special holiday. Buying healthy stuff (cuz' it's your holiday) and enough wine so you never run out. It's cocktail hour!

The G20 looms this year. May the city reap the benefits and not suffer pain and scars.

It will be over soon enough. Want to visit the fake lake. Then run to the real one.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Daughters are amazing...

I am truly blessed by the existence of my only child, a daughter who brings joys and worries and epiphanies all at the same time. She's 21 and for the sake of economy, still lives at home while she attends school. This works well for all three of us, of course, but there are a few sacrifices to make and compromises to offer up in order to make this work. For instance, I am not allowed to dance (eew MUM!) but I am allowed to drive her anywhere at anytime and to shop with her anywhere at anytime and in return she helps me with housework and shows me how to put pictures on my blog. Her knowledge of wiring and all things computer always amazes me. I am thrilled she took sound and lighting in High School. It's helped with everything from VCR set ups to anything electrical. I'm so pleased she'll never have to say "the stereo can't get set up until John or Dad comes over."

It is a strange, transitional time for us. She has one more year of art school before she gets her degree. She must be wondering "what the hell am I going to do with my life?" and I'm thinking, what the heck is she going to do with her life? too. Anything I do gets criticized or demeaned. Anything I say is piffle. I remember pretty well how horrible I was to my own mother and so roll with this knowing one day things will change. In the interim, please pray for us.

It occurred to me...

...I actually wanted to start this blog because now I'm "older" I'm starting to see people the way my mother did when I was in my 20s. She used to appreciate the young women in my age group for their beauty and often told them "you should be a model." One actually listened to her and took modelling up as a career for awhile. I see now what she saw. To be young is to be beautiful I've discovered, and I don't mean the ridiculous stigma of youth versus age in this culture. I find many of the women and men in my age group to be just fascinating to look at for their years of experience and the lines on their faces. But the young are contemporary sculptures, each lovely for their uniqueness and newness to the world. They are simply lovely to look at. My dream is to take my camera and capture the people and things I find lovely to show you. The beautiful babies - puppies and kittens - flowers - sunsets and young girls (there's nothing as joyous and delightful as a happy four year old or a young mother with her first baby) I wish to take pictures for this blog to show you the beauty in the everyday. So we'll see how this progresses. In the meantime, here's two of my flower pictures.